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To Contact Uncle Darryl Research Network,



 Board of Directors and Cabinet Holders

Of Uncle Darryl Research











Darryl Eley



President and CEO of Uncle Darryl Research Network 2016













With expertise in almost all genres of information that you can think of, Uncle Darryl created Uncle Darryl Research to serve the lives of the public by putting together a network to serve the people. Named for his 33 neices and nephews, Uncle Darryl, he has reached many levels of research which includes tracing six families’ histories all at one time. He traced the family history of his four grandparents, with one side tracing the information to the European Royal Family and eventually back to Adam and Eve. All the information began to expand in some of the most important people to ever live but the point of proven this made him dig in. He physically typed the entire database information which includes over 5,000 photographs and screen print images. The non-collected photographs were scanned into the database though much trial and error. He lost and gain information when hardships walked into his life. After finding all the information that was needed for this project, he had to organize it. From 2002-2012, he has put together, the family history which allowed him to memorize most of the information he research since 1979. Most of the name were completed and maintained by Uncle Darryl and a software called Familytreemaker 7.0, which is owned by and PAF 5.0, which is owned by the Mormon Church. After doing all the research, he began looking into video production. He created his first video in 2006, and since that time he has created over 800 videos to help him become the directors of these videos, which include his later genealogy videos for 2012 and beyond. For over 14 years, Uncle Darryl has been learning computers on his own. After crashing over 20 computers, and learning the operating systems-Windows 95-Windows 7, he also learned the Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, and 2010, applications with ease. We has been an active users of the internet for the past 11 years and has created over 1,000,000 links on the internet. He created a book collection, which consist of 10 main books that show the entire history that has been collected and formatted into this project through keyboarding over an impossible figure of trillions of information. The information became complicated with Royal Family but he put together the entire main royal family of over 10 countries in Europe, which includes France, England, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, The Netherland, Germany, Italy, and Russia. The Biblical History came part his research and he has acclimated the information which allow you to go back to Adam and Eve with just a click of a mouse. He has master the field of Voice Recognition for both Windows Vista and Windows 7. He is working on getting Windows 8. He put together the history of eight great grandparents, which includes maternal and paternal family histories. He also advanced in Adobe, Google, MSN, Yahoo, and Lycos software and products. He has created one of the largest database of information which includes the Holy Bible, European Royal Genealogy, and History, and the histories of his African American Families: Bracy-Davis-Ungerhart-Bynum, Demareee/Demory-Parker-Moody-Rival-Gary, Clyburn-Mungo, and Huey-McDow Family. He had put together a video collection that tells you the story of how he got back to Adam and Eve called LIFE OF A HISTORIAN-PART 1-7. He created videos which helps you understand some of the Holy Bible in a visual why. He created a video series about European Royal Videos, which tels about the direct ancestors and the cousins of this truly large family. He has created a genealogical package for each family which includes research, books, videos, CD, Photographs, and DVDs. He created videos using Phtostory 2, Photostory for Windows, and Moviemaker for Windows XP, which he uses amazing on Windows Vista and Windows 7 Computer systems. He created over 13 websites on MySpace and 11 Facebook Pages, with over 40 e-mails, which has recieved the billions of e-mails. He erased over 20,000 in one day this year. He owns one of the largest databases powered by Familytreemaker and Personal Ancestral File, which includes people, their lives, the research, scrapbooks, timelines, ancestry trees and standard trees, descendant’s trees and outlines. You can also visit many of the family website that were created on, www.gencircles,, which reaches over 3500 sites over the world. He is the recipient of the honor being the first African American to submit a file to the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day, which totaled over 1350 names. He has the largest African American database which consists of 2200 relatives. He has a database of 4300 European and Jewish family members which includes Queen Elizabeth II, Prince William and Charles, William the Conqueror, Hugh Capet, Kenneth MacAlpin, and Argyl of Gaul. This is one of the most completed packages over history which includes 8 eight genealogy packages from $100.00-$800.00, which includes created book and other services for other people. This is the President and CEO, of Uncle Darryl Research.



Terry L. Jenkins



Vice-President of Operations






After 17 years of learning the Computer and Video Game Fields along with Uncle Darryl, Terry has the determination and the drive to be the second in command. He has 14 years of computer training and over 16 years of video game experience.



Thomas T. Walters



Vice-President of Operations



He will be a valuable asset to this company as he is a part of the team with his great organization, business, and technical skills.





Doemaine N. Deans



Vice-President of Financial Management



For the past 21 years, he has turn from a mascot to a supervisor of many years of organizational skills that will benefit from his expertise.



Timothy Deans



Vice-President of Public Relations



He can talk to anybody, anywhere anytime and the capability to make things happen in the public relations field.



Tasha Ingram and Timothy Whaley



Joint-Vice-President of Music Operations



Both Tasha and Timothy has over 15 years of experience in the music industry which includes music production, management, and many of the skills necessary to make the music of our time.



Universal Game Heads






Shawn Jenkins
President of Universal Game Heads



At age 22 years old, a video gamer for over fifteen years, he began his quest for excellence through all video game consoles. His specialty is PlayStation consoles. Under the guidance of Uncle Darryl, Shawn ventured in computer-generated games such as Mugen and Need for Speed. He is one of the directors of the Uncle Darryl Research Network under his brother, Terry Jenkins who is the Vice President of Operation at Uncle Darryl Research. He is a master in Tekken Series and Mortal Combat. He is also well-verse on torrents, downloadable video games and all internet access to games you never thought possible.



Donovan Blackshear
Vice President of Universal Game Heads



Due to his great understanding of the computer field and the World Wide Web, He is considered to be one of the dominant forces in this project but he will be in this position at present.

Kasim Ruffin
Assistant to the President

As a member of the Universal Game Head, this 18 year old takes the spot of assistant to the president because he has over 10 years of experience in video games and is well-versed in PlayStation 3 video game consoles. He has a wealth of information about this console and many others to help you continue on your track to master of video games.



Jamel Williams
Video Game Consultant

He is quiet but he can bring to the table of nine years of video game experience. He is the mascot of the group and is well-liked by everyone. I have known the family for years and after these many years, I get a chance to help him help- others. Don't let his age fool you because under the guidance of Shawn Jenkins he has reach new levels of video game experience. At the age of 14 years old, he has a bright future as one of the best in the game. He is also experienced with Wii, which he will be your consultant for. He can also give you vital tips on other game systems including the Mugen computer-generated game.



Jamel Valentine
Video Consultant



He is the multi-talented, well-verse talker of the group and he can back it up with sound advice and a charm that have you where your skills to be in a short time. For over 9 years, he has been getting what he need as the guy who get the games, and learn them fast. He is well-versed on the internet and some of the most important sites for games cheats, prices, and much more.

With the help of these true masters of the game, Uncle Darryl Research proudly presents the best group of video gamer, I can ever assemble to show the ropes to one of the fastest growing networks, video games and Computers.










Eric Murray







Harlem Globe Awards



United World Trading Network



Malachi Speller





Sankofa International International



Dr. Ollie McClean





Cash Administrative



Arnold “Ahmaz” Freeman II





Brooklyn Defense Coalition








Peewee Papaparazzi








First Stage Production



Derrick Plowden





Seven Production



Jamel Wade





Tidewater Auction Auto



Micheal Hockett





Sunchyne Foundation



Kevin Clarke





Kashmir B



Anthony Roman





H.I.G.H. I.M.P.A.C.T. Entertainment



Cimmie Reid





Universal Game Heads_NY



Milton Dorsey



Virgil Wannamaker





Universal Game Heads_VA



Shawn D. Jenkins






Please contact me




Uncle Darryl Eley








In Virginia,




Uncle Darryl Research




1110 Crawford Parkway




Portsmouth, Virginia 23704








In New York




Uncle Darryl Research Network-NY








Brooklyn, New York 11226












Sankofa International Academy




C/O Uncle Darryl Research Network-NY




1670 Fulton Street




Brooklyn, New York 11214








Harlem Globe Awards




United World Trading Network




1670 Fulton Street




Brooklyn, New York 11214




















You can go online to











Learn about my profile, likes, comments, photographs, videos, friends, groups, and pages that bring the journey alive.








You can go online to












Learn more about my books and the collection of 11 books that make up the entire collections.  Check out some of the videos created by Uncle Darryl Research Network.








My Family Websites on




























You can go to the organization sites at




















You can e-mail your orders, request and comments to:




























Thank and Enjoy My Network












These families history can be purchased online at  or my where you can get your family history traced by Uncle Darryl Research Review my sites, history and genealogy, blogs, pictures, and videos on my websites on Google, MSN, Facebook, MySpace, Mystery, Keyword: Darryl Eley. Get connected to over 1,000,000 links to Uncle Darryl and Uncle Darryl Research. Included in this research are the books that can be read on CD without having to pick the book up off the shelf just start your computer and you are on your way. Setup the program which is included with the CD and you will open doors to the history of the world. Instead in getting one book you get 11 books with each genealogy package. And that is not all. With the same CD you can begin your quest to find your family. By setting up your software you can begin the journey, you can begin search your family. If you get stuck e-mail Uncle Darryl Research Network at  or Choose from $100.00-$800.00 genealogy research priced packages, lower than most genealogy packages on the market. Come let Uncle Darryl Research Network trace your family history. Go to and let Uncle Daryl take 34 years of family research experience in African-European-Native American-Jewish History work for your family. All Books, CDs, Videos, and also on DVD, the collections consists of individual research, web links, photographs and scrapbooks, maps, and more.  For rush orders go to www.facebook/UDRN  and purchase your copy of the CD for your computer. You can purchase my video collection, Hurry while supplies last. Order directly from the author. Add $2.99 for shipping and handling. Welcome to a new decade and revolution in genealogy inspired by Alex Haley. 




This is Uncle Darryl Research Network 2015. Become a support of truth, justice, and family. 






"Let the history of your family begin at Uncle Darryl Research in 2015"